
Welcome to Programmer’s Music v2!

More focus, more productivity – Get 2x work done in less time.

Hello everyone!

We have taken some time to build this new version of Programmer’s Music to help you focus at work, study or on your personal projects. Hope you’ll like it.

With Programmer’s Music, you can listen to curated, non-vocal and distraction-free music playlists to increase your productivity and focus while coding/programming. Purely instrumental music from more than 15 genres along with Pomodoro time management technique that gets you in the zone. We add more genres and tracks every week.

Just get started by clicking on one of the playlist below! Happy focusing! 😃


Tell us what you think of v2


    Welcome, fellow Programmers! Thanks for using Programmer's Music. 🎉 Let us know if you experience any issues by sharing feedback. 🙏🖖
